Unveilnet: The Utter Disappearance of Anonymity

Welcome to my website! I am excited to share with you my creative speculative fiction story. I hope you enjoy :) check out my class page.

Like any ordinary human the first thing I do in the morning is unplug my phone from the charger and place it eye-level. While positioned hovering over myself a blue light illuminates my face. Quickly, a picture of me is taken in order to access my device. It scans my entire face instantly noting almost every microscopic detail. Then my full name, including first middle and last, flashes across the screen and just like that I am in.

I know you might be thinking-- that sounds intrusive...


But in the world of Unveilnet its the norm


I decide to open my Facebook, I have one new notification “Jess, I love your dress! Could I borrow it sometime?” A smile crosses my face and I proceed to “like” the comment from the girl in my Art History class. Next I hit the home button in order to scroll through my Facebook feed. At the top is a shared article with the header reading “The Power of Positivity”. I skim through the comments below praising the article with declaratives such as “made my day” and “a truly inspirational piece”. A thousand more comments exist just like the ones before it. Not a negative word is surfaced or spoken about. The article has 4 million likes, with not a single dislike present.


In the world of Unveilnet, negativity is extremely rare. Ever since Unveilnet was brought to Earth, positivity has flooded the communities in which we reside. In the year 2000, the technological platform as well as communicative web called Unveilnet was introduced. The credit of creating the system can be paid to Emily Snellings, a highly intelligent technology wiz. At the age of 25, Emily began the search for a superior web platform and began cultivating Unveilnet in her parent’s basement. With the support of large tech corporations, such as Apple, Firefox, and Microsoft, Emily’s ideas quickly became a reality.

Genius! I know!


The system was soon adopted around the world due to its protective features and successful results. Once the United States started using Unveilnet other countries followed after seeing its positive results. It’s effects were unparalleled and caused immediate change. Unveilnet overtook the World Wide Web, surpassing its popularity. People no longer went to the World Wide Web to search for information, utilize social media, or retrieve digital images. Unveilnet replaced the World Wide Web in every capacity, due to its speed and in depth databases.

out with the old, in with the new!


Unlike previous systems, Unveilnet does not protect your identity in any form. The platform uncovers everything about you, leaving no room for anonymity. There is no screen to hide behind and shield repercussions for nasty comments. The network has your full name and your social security on file as well. It has everything it would need to know about you to identify you as a specific person, similar to a passport and ID card. Once you try to access Unveilnet under a particular name, it quickly scans a current photo of you to verify that it is the correct person. Everything about you as a person is exposed and can be accessible to the public. Your full name and picture is shown when you comment or utilize a profile.

no curtain to hide behind...


full exposure!


Unveilnet is a highly protected system that eliminates hacking. With the use of Unveilnet, hacking into another person’s account is impossible. The self-scanner that lets you access the platform is a highly advanced technology that would be very difficult to undercut. Some have expressed dislike towards having their faced scanned, but have come to realize that the protection outweighs the annoyance. Identify theft is no longer a worry because everyone’s social security is open to the public. Therefore when you search a particular one, it will immediately surface with the correct owner of the number. Everything one ever posts is filed under their respected name, thus each post is a direct representation of oneself.

Does that make you nervous?


Just be good and you will be fine!

Ever since the implementation of Unveilnet, the negativity in the world has decreased. It is not longer the norm for people to outwardly express hate or dislike towards things on a media platform. If you scroll through the comments on any social media or article webpage they are most likely all positive. The same can be said if you check the number of “likes” and “dislikes” on a post, the number of likes will far surpass the dislikes.

positivity all around!


The normalcy is to be kind and the kinder you are the more likely you are to be successful. For example, in the 2016 Presidential Election Trump did terribly. Voters were turned off by the nasty remarks that were traced to his name. He gave off an aura of hate and dislike that hindered his success and Unveilnet exposed his behavior to the public. Not only can Unveilnet keep track of what one posts but it also follows what one clicks on. The platform exposed Trump for participating in foul things in cyberspace. These qualities were not what the American people wanted to associate with their leader. It is possible that prior to Unveilnet, citizens would have voted for Trump since positivity was not the normalcy. However with the adaption of Unveilnet, the American population was extremely turned off by Trump and his nasty presence on the web.

What does Trump have to say about that?


You better believe it! Positvity is preferred :)

Therefore it is not surprising that Kent Rivers is today’s current president. Rivers is the definition of perfection with an aura of charm. He has a clean background and has never uttered a negative word on a media platform. These kinds of qualities appealed to the American population because if they saw their president as being a positive leader and affectionate man then it is likely that success will follow for the country. Overall, Unveilnet became an important tool in the campaign. The American population was able to see the candidates on a deeper level. The network unveiled the potential presidents as their true selves, truthfully informing the population.


Not only does Unveilnet improve society to portray their best selves through positivity and encouragement, but it will also save lives. In the upcoming future, Unvelinet will be able to track down potential threats. In 2020 there is a planned assassination on the President of the United States, Kent Rivers. Disturbing videos will be made in attempts to threaten and scare the American population. However with the help of Unveilnet, it will be possible to trace the videos to the exact location of the filming. The US military will intervene immediately and will promptly shut down the planned attack. Without the implementation of Unveilnet, it is unlikely society would be as euphoric as it is today.

Like as happy as this pup getting a head scratch?


You bet!


Anonymity brings out the worst in people and hinders society from advancing. Honesty is the best policy and its realness creates a better community and world. Prior to Unveilnet the worldwide web was filled with hate and negativity. Rather than dividing people, Unveilnet brings them together releasing an aura of positive thinking and unity.


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